2011년 1월 25일 화요일

thank you

   Our studying day is not many. Step beyond is my first only English class, and you are my first foreign teacher. I think I countinually remember you.
   I want to say "Sorry", because I want to join class, however, my listening skill and speaking skill is very poor. Sorry, but I did my best, and I believe you might know my mind. Thank you for your endurance.
   I hope to see you again.

2011년 1월 24일 월요일

What is dream??

    Every human dream. What is dream?? Why do we dream?? I don't know, but I have some opinions. I think dream is just past memory we experienced and thouht because we don't make anything we don't know. If you experienced dream you don't know, I think you can't remember. Brain alway remember anything, and sometime brain remeber information you can't search.
    Finally, I think dream is just thing you remember during sleep. But I don't know what dream is appear. I think anything I don't know is.

2011년 1월 23일 일요일


    I knew the gesture. Interestingly, the gesture reverse has funtion between Korea and US. You can see left picture. Left picture gesture is said "come on dog.". This gesture used when people call their dog. But in US this gesture used when they call some person. Because of different thing of same gesture sometime people made a mistake.
    Thing i knew is just part and many gesture has different meaning. Therefore we need to understand another country people's wrong gesture because we can't know gestures of all of the world.

2011년 1월 20일 목요일


 Money is the most important. This is very essential. If you don't have money, what do you do?? You may do nothing. How do you buy foods?? How do you move long distance. In the society money is very enssetial.
 In addition, health is too important. When you have health, you can eat anything and enjoy anything.
 Finally, i think money is more important than health, althoght money and health are important, health means just health. For happy, money is best way.

2011년 1월 18일 화요일


 Althought I don't believe superstitions, I believe suprerstiton effect. Do you know mind control??
I think superstition is a type of mind control. Perhaps you may know this story. This story is a person who dead in reefer, but reefer was not work. This story is tell us mind is very important.
 So i understand people believe superstitions. As believe superstitions, they will get brave and believe something.
 If they use positive superstition , they are better. But if they use negative superstition, they are worse than before time.

2011년 1월 17일 월요일

His decision

  Do you know this actor? If you aren't spy, you know him. Lately he decided to go marine corps. Many celebrites want to exempt mility. But he applies there. I think that he is brave man.
 But sometimes I think that is his decison himself? Clearly he was given effect by anything, for example papularity, sighting. But this is just my guess. I don't know why did he decide to go there. Clearly he is really korean man. I will remember his brave.

2011년 1월 13일 목요일


 Do you know him?? He is Heogyeongyoung. acorroding his clams, he can use magic method of contracting distances, and he can do levitation. But he don't show his special ability and every people knew he doesn't have special ability.
 In addition, I think many psychics are same. If someone will show me their special ability, noboby can show me. I don't believe it continually.

2011년 1월 11일 화요일

For 14 years

 I study English for thirteen years. But my English abilty is not good. I think my investing time is not short, and studying method is incorrect. If I knew good method learing english, I think I may have good english abilty.
 Althoght i don't know good method, I knew wrong side. Object learn english is incorrect. In Korea, English is just score to join university and employ company. It is very incorrect. We should teach real english to use in daily life.

personal space

 Today i red about personal space. So far I didn't think about personal space in detail. Today i knew every people need personal space and their space is different.
 First of all, I think myself. When I think my situation on the subway, I didn't care my personal space. But at nomal situation my personal space is wider than special situation. Like me, every person space is different. So i think people should protect each space, and understand each other.

2011년 1월 10일 월요일

Wow it's natural

 I like falls. This place is niagara falls. This fall size is amaing. Sometimes when I saw giant natual, my heart is impressed. This place is between Canada and USA and is biggest fall in North America and this is one of the world three best falls.
 This place is also my dream place. sometime I will go to this place. In addition i will go another two best falls. The reason i interest is when i see falls my heart is coll and I have got a brave. I love falls.

2011년 1월 6일 목요일

i will go grand cayon

    do you know grand cayon. this place is located in usa. its length is 350km , width is about 30km. its size is very amazing. colorful animals and plants live in it. in addition, because of the reason it has interesting enviroment, it is designated as a national park.
    it is one place i will go. and if i will come usa, i am sure will go there. this is my small dream.

2011년 1월 5일 수요일

korean education system

 I think our korean education system has many adventages and disadventages.

 typically adventage is that korea provide complimentary education until high school. disadventages are that they are learned so they have similar think. in addition, the reason students can chice their teacher is problem .for example if students will meet bad teacher, they will be confused by teacher. and korea education system is just course for entering university.

 I think last problem is most important thing. for solve it, we should reduce university. and people that don't enter university must has job that they want without university diploma.

2011년 1월 4일 화요일

Barack Obama is not common politician

see!! why did dog follow his action. dog doesn't have idea but dog knows his action is good!! it's just joke.

         i like the Obama president. the biggest reason is he has a challenge split. until now u.s.a afro-american president is not existed. he is first afro-american president of u.s.a.. this means that there is not racism in u.s.a. so i evaluate his challenge split highly.
        in addition, the reason i like him is his policy. he is a possibilist and renovates many policy for poor people. for example he renovated medical insurance rule. i think and believe he will work for poor people continually.

this is not dream

this is iphone

it has many options

it possible to use the internet, and has colorful programs

if you buy it you will not regret it


hello my name is simbumyong

i am 26 years old

my major is electronic engineering

although i can't speak english is very well, my mind alway open for you

nice to meet you