2011년 1월 18일 화요일


 Althought I don't believe superstitions, I believe suprerstiton effect. Do you know mind control??
I think superstition is a type of mind control. Perhaps you may know this story. This story is a person who dead in reefer, but reefer was not work. This story is tell us mind is very important.
 So i understand people believe superstitions. As believe superstitions, they will get brave and believe something.
 If they use positive superstition , they are better. But if they use negative superstition, they are worse than before time.

댓글 2개:

  1. I agree some. Superstitions can be good or bad. I think it depens on how it is used..

  2. Superstitions is not always good.
    But then, Are you sick today?
