2011년 1월 5일 수요일

korean education system

 I think our korean education system has many adventages and disadventages.

 typically adventage is that korea provide complimentary education until high school. disadventages are that they are learned so they have similar think. in addition, the reason students can chice their teacher is problem .for example if students will meet bad teacher, they will be confused by teacher. and korea education system is just course for entering university.

 I think last problem is most important thing. for solve it, we should reduce university. and people that don't enter university must has job that they want without university diploma.

댓글 4개:

  1. Right, the societal structure is big problem

  2. Right. Who couldn't enter the university isn't loose. kkk This writing is associated debute today.

  3. I agree with you.
    To entrance university examination is disgusting!

  4. In the United States, it seems a university degree does not even guarantee that you'll get a job these days. People without degrees are in even in more trouble. In Chicago, it seems as if you need a bachelor's degree just to work as a waitress in a restaurant or as a secretary or simple office assistant. It is kind of scary.
