2011년 1월 4일 화요일

Barack Obama is not common politician

see!! why did dog follow his action. dog doesn't have idea but dog knows his action is good!! it's just joke.

         i like the Obama president. the biggest reason is he has a challenge split. until now u.s.a afro-american president is not existed. he is first afro-american president of u.s.a.. this means that there is not racism in u.s.a. so i evaluate his challenge split highly.
        in addition, the reason i like him is his policy. he is a possibilist and renovates many policy for poor people. for example he renovated medical insurance rule. i think and believe he will work for poor people continually.

댓글 4개:

  1. I has a joke about name of Barack Obama.
    Can I write them?
    In korean, name of Barack is similar to sound of angry. It just joke!!

  2. The picture is very funny. kkk


    Did you ask to me where did buy the sleeper? It can check only "Lee Hyo-Ri sleeper".

  3. I thought your paragraghs is negative when seeing this picture. I misundestanded.^^;

  4. kkk, too.
    I understand your explanation.
    It`s so funny.
