2011년 1월 17일 월요일

His decision

  Do you know this actor? If you aren't spy, you know him. Lately he decided to go marine corps. Many celebrites want to exempt mility. But he applies there. I think that he is brave man.
 But sometimes I think that is his decison himself? Clearly he was given effect by anything, for example papularity, sighting. But this is just my guess. I don't know why did he decide to go there. Clearly he is really korean man. I will remember his brave.

댓글 3개:

  1. i also think he is real man. because this time korea is very nervous situation by north korea attack. but he volunteer for military. marine at that

  2. I think his mind is wonderful like his face. but I don't want him to go there...ㅜㅜㅜ

  3. I agree her ~~ secret garden is very interesting~~~><
