2011년 1월 10일 월요일

Wow it's natural

 I like falls. This place is niagara falls. This fall size is amaing. Sometimes when I saw giant natual, my heart is impressed. This place is between Canada and USA and is biggest fall in North America and this is one of the world three best falls.
 This place is also my dream place. sometime I will go to this place. In addition i will go another two best falls. The reason i interest is when i see falls my heart is coll and I have got a brave. I love falls.

댓글 4개:

  1. I can't see your picture exactly :-(
    I also want to go there~
    niagara falls is magnificent and splendid^-^

  2. The Niagara Falls are pretty impressive. Sometimes large natural wonders can make you feel very small and your problems don't seem as bad as you make them. I would never go down them in a canoe or barrel like some people do though.

  3. You told me you want go there someday in your life. I pray to achive your wish.
