2011년 1월 11일 화요일

For 14 years

 I study English for thirteen years. But my English abilty is not good. I think my investing time is not short, and studying method is incorrect. If I knew good method learing english, I think I may have good english abilty.
 Althoght i don't know good method, I knew wrong side. Object learn english is incorrect. In Korea, English is just score to join university and employ company. It is very incorrect. We should teach real english to use in daily life.

댓글 3개:

  1. Yes, just studing without applying is not only boring but also ineffective.

  2. i agree with you T.T
    although i study english, my compeoence is not good. it;s very sad...

  3. Keep at it! Don't lose hope...I hope all of your efforts will pay off in the end.
